Thursday, May 29, 2014
I am still alive
This is a post to let you all know that I am still alive! My life has been rather interesting and I don't have internet in my house currently so it makes if difficult to make my presence known to my blogging community. I will be trying much harder to make a better effort for blogging this summer! Here's hoping!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Bring on 2014
Well we've said goodbye to 2013 and we have just concluded the first day of 2014! It's so crazy to me that a whole year has gone by! It certainly wasn't my favorite year but there were good times and fun times nonetheless.
I am not really one for New Year's resolutions, don't get me wrong I think its great to set goals and try to better ourselves but since hearing the idea of choosing One Word that is how I resolution. The One Word is your focus for the entire year, the word that aspires you to greatness in the new year. And like I mentioned last year, I am a list maker and like to check things off my list, however the idea of making a list of resolutions that I will probably forget in 6 months seems a little defeating.
Last year my word was "Discover." I totally feel accomplished with that word. So much discovery happened. I feel like over the last year I have learned so many new things about myself and about life. I have discovered new parts of my city and gone on small road trips of discovery and I. LOVE. IT. This word discover helped me learn to "stop and find beauty in the moment/day (discover beauty in the every day)." I am thankful for the simple everyday beauties. I feel like the word was absolutely PERFECT! I am thankful for the revelation of that word at the beginning of last year. Which leads me to this year...
What will my 2014 word be?
There are a few words being tossed around in my mind right now but I have not settled on that one word just yet. I know it will be revealed to me but I am still seeking that perfect word for my 2014. (I think I have possibly settled on the word but I want to be mindful and prayerful about it so give me a couple more days...)
What are some of your resolutions? or if you happen to be a One Word buddy what is your One Word?
Thursday, November 28, 2013
with a thankful heart.
........Give thanks
Today I did not spend my day eating lots of food or with family or friends. I spent my day doing nothing! Yes of course I talked with my mom (who I think thought I was crazy and un-American for not celebrating with others today) and I ate food but nothing about this would be considered a traditional Thanksgiving. Today I spent my day relaxing. I never got out of my pajamas (which rules). I had several sweet friends invite me to be a part of their Thanksgivings but I just wanted to take some time to do nothing. I took the day to catch up on TV shows and enjoy life. As I relaxed I had ample time to think about the things that make me the most thankful and here is my list....
My thankful list...
I am so incredibly thankful for my Jesus and the unending love he has for me even when I am unfaithful. I am redeemed and I do not deserve it!

I am thankful for my family although over a 1000 miles separate us I am so blessed that we are still so close and I know they are there for me and support me and my sometimes crazy un-sensical (I might have made that word up) life. I am thankful for my amazing parents and the great example they set for all of us in life and in marriage. Love you mom and dad!

I am thankful for my Duke pup! He is my little sidekick no matter how annoying he can get I still love him and he's changed my heart towards the furry little creatures we call dogs. P.S. This picture of us was taken by my best friend Kristen! Go check out her blog and support what she is doing!
I am thankful for "my kiddos" Jaxson, Zion and Ella. I have watched those little ones grow up over the last 4-5 years and I love them like they are my own. I am thankful that their parents allow me to be a part of their lives!

I am thankful for hobbies. Dry Bones Vintage has been a fun little journey over the past year and its fun to bring new life in to things that were once thrown out and tossed aside.
I am thankful for a job I don't hate. Although I don't see myself staying with the bank forever I do appreciate it and I am thankful for all the new things it has taught me over the last year!
I am thankful that I am an aunt! Kyla and Kessler are just simply great! They are beautiful and full of spirit and life! Auntie Courtnie loves you and will see you soon!

I am oh so thankful for caffeine! Diet Soda, Tea, Coffee! They sometimes are the only things that keep me human :)

Laughter! I am thankful for laughter! Its seriously the best everyday medicine anyone can take! And since Torey has come into my life and become a great friend it happens often and I am grateful!
Since the recent move I have been able to reconnect with one of my best friends from college. We are now neighbors and its wonderful! I am thankful to be back in each others lives and I am thankful I get to spend time with her little one as well!

Last week I got a FaceTime call from my dad, except it wasn't my dad. It was my youngest brother (9 years old I think its hard to keep track) Dakota! Mom said he missed me and asked to FaceTime me! For this reason and many others I am thankful for technology! The amazing way that it brings people together is a blessing to all who are a part of it!

Today I had mac and cheese! Pasta is my comfort food. I am thankful for comfort food!

The beauty found in today while resting was the perfect way to spend a day meant for being thankful!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tis' the season.
Christmas challenge #1: Buy all Christmas presents from small businesses. After nearly a year of working with small businesses as a banker and starting a small business of my own I'm passionate to help stimulate that economy. This could be challenging but I'm ready for the challenge. It could be a little more expensive but I feel like it's worth it. Support small businesses.
Side note: not sure why I said "Christmas challenge #1" because I'm not sure if I will even have another challenge haha! Oh well!
41 days until Christmas!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Moving time
Got the keys to my new house today! Really super excited! Can't wait to start decorating! Posts of the new place coming soon!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
a little game of catch up...

Well the last month and a half or so has been way too busy for my liking and therefore the first thing to be neglected is the blogging community. I really hate that and want to get better at making it a priority and not letting it go so long without checking in.
So for now let's play a little game of catch up on Courtnie's crazy life. Here is a review of my life as I've seen it since the last blog post....
- I won an award at work in Quarter 2. I was among the top 20 performers in the SE Kansas/MO division! My award was hand delivered to me by the Community Banking Regional President himself which was kinda a cool deal!
- Spent some time with the Duke man...

- Had some fireside chats with cigars and friends!

- Of course there were several treasure hunting excursions!
- I became a little bit of a red head!
- I got a promotion at work which caused me to move to another branch (closer to my house) but I truly do miss the people I worked with they became a family and I love them.
- And then became my whirlwind of weekends....
------Weekend One: I drove to KC got on a plane and headed towards Denver, Colorado to surprise my mom. My dad and I had this trip planned and it was soooooo hard keeping it from my mom since we tell each other everything! But the trip was a blast and a great vacation! We got to go to TWO baseball games and I got to see my DBacks play and win both games!!! Also explored the city all on foot! I absolutely love the city of Denver! I also was able to see my sweet friend Rachel and meet her sweet little guy Weston who I am just in love with!
-The in-between: I got hooked on Sonic's Ocean Water, Duke turned 2!!!! (Oct. 3rd), and Solace hosted NORMA JEAN!!!

------Weekend Two: The night of the Norma Jean show right after it was over, we packed up and we headed to Pittsburgh, PA for the celebration of one of my best friend's Amber and Dylan's wedding! This is was crazy short trip and a whole lot of road time but it was waaaaaay worth it!

3 Days, 73 hours round trip, 35 hours of riding/driving, 7 states, 2129 miles, 22 hours of sleep, A half of can of dry shampoo, 1 beautiful wedding, and even more beautiful fellowship and memories with so many wonderful friends!

And now we are all caught up! This is weekend number four.
Today I pre-registered for my first 5k (WHAT?!?). Couch to 5k here I come! Its the Run and Dye 5k and I think its going to be a blast. There isn't a date yet but it will be Spring of 2014 so there's plenty of time to prepare! Lindsy you're my inspiration for this! I can do this right?!?
Oh and Chicago Fire, Nashville and Sons of Anarchy have all started back up!

Thanks for reading!
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