Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bring on 2014

Well we've said goodbye to 2013 and we have just concluded the first day of 2014! It's so crazy to me that a whole year has gone by! It certainly wasn't my favorite year but there were good times and fun times nonetheless.

I am not really one for New Year's resolutions, don't get me wrong I think its great to set goals and try to better ourselves but since hearing the idea of choosing One Word that is how I resolution. The One Word is your focus for the entire year, the word that aspires you to greatness in the new year. And like I mentioned last year, I am a list maker and like to check things off my list, however the idea of making a list of resolutions that I will probably forget in 6 months seems a little defeating.

Last year my word was "Discover." I totally feel accomplished with that word. So much discovery happened. I feel like over the last year I have learned so many new things about myself and about life. I have discovered new parts of my city and gone on small road trips of discovery and I. LOVE. IT. This word discover helped me learn to "stop and find beauty in the moment/day (discover beauty in the every day)." I am thankful for the simple everyday beauties. I feel like the word was absolutely PERFECT! I am thankful for the revelation of that word at the beginning of last year. Which leads me to this year... 

What will my 2014 word be? 

There are a few words being tossed around in my mind right now but I have not settled on that one word just yet. I know it will be revealed to me but I am still seeking that perfect word for my 2014. (I think I have possibly settled on the word but I want to be mindful and prayerful about it so give me a couple more days...)

What are some of your resolutions? or if you happen to be a One Word buddy what is your One Word?

1 comment:

  1. I decided to do the Word of the Year thing, too. I wrote about it in my blog. Haha.
